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近年共同策劃項目包括:圍繞社區剩餘資源重新運用的「油麻地剩食圖鑑」及「拾德好剩物回收計劃」;關注公民自主參與的「MaD@西九」、「自由野-共創項目 2012」、「自由野-工程進行中 2013」及「文化中心-自由市場」等。
Born in 1984, Vangi graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in Visual Arts and minoring in Humanities. She now works as a freelancer of design coordination, arts education and public participatory projects. Vangi is also a member of Wooferten Continuously Working Group & So Boring cooperative store based in Yau Ma Tei.
Vangi co-founded the arts administration group Pep! in 2007 and coordinated Fotanian 2008 & 2009 and also self-initiated Complaints Choir of Hong Kong. In 2009, she found Tuna Prize with first batch of graduates, they believe the latest trend of local art can be see through the eyes of young jury panel.
Some of the latest projects included: Yaumatei Leftover Guide, Pick It Good- related to cycling leftover in the city; MaD@Westkowloon, MaD@Freespace 2012 Fest: Open Space, MaD@Freespace Fest 2013: Construction in Progress & Free Marketee- all concerned about civil participatory society.
方韻芝 Vangi Fong
位於台北的竹圍位處鄉郊與城市之間,自90 年代起面對高速的城市發展,現已高樓林立,但仍留有工業區的痕跡與及舊日農村的脈絡。2011 年的「樹梅坑溪環境藝術行動」就從命名這條流經竹圍的小溪開始,連結起竹圍的歷史,描繪出樹梅坑溪的社區網絡。
In early 2011, Leila Chan Hiu Lui, an independent reporter in Hong Kong, published an investigative report “Leftover Food” on the issue of leftover food in Hong Kong and triggered many reflections and actions of many organizations. In the same year, “Project of Leftover Food Guide” was kickstarted in Yaumatei.As invited by Visual Arts Axis of the Baptist University, the Leftover Food team collaborated with university students on “Yaumatei Leftover Food Guide”.The guide presented result of the research on how kaifong, people of the neighourhood, take care of leftover food in form of infographics.
The guide was printed out and disseminated to kaifong who do not get online. Continuing the experience earned in Yaumatei, “Sham Shui Po Cherish Food Guide” got to understand and organize the experience, knowledge and network of women in Sham Shui Po through workshops.
Zine was made after the workshops to share these values on cherishing food with the public. Later, this project was brought to Taipei. Based on the community network established by “Arts as Environment – A Cultural Action at the Plum Tree Creek”, organized by the Bamboo Curtain Studio and curated by Mali Wu, “Plum Tree Creek Leftover Food Guide” studied the same topic in the Plum Tree Creek area as a reference for Hong Kong with food as a Metaphor for Urban Living.
Leftover Guide of Plum Tree Creek- Food as the Metaphor of Living
Yau Ma Tei Leftover Guide
「油麻地剩食圖鑑」以實地考察及街坊訪問等研究方式紀錄油麻地區的剩食資料,以信息圖(Infographics)的形式將資料圖像化,讓街坊透過圖鑑更容易掌握區內剩食資訊,及處理剩食 的醒目方法,把問題扣連到日常的生活場景,成為切身的重要議題。
good morning、鄉土學社、豐剩、HK Farm、油尖旺食物銀行、德昌里2號3號舖、深水埗社區協會
Rachel Tam、April Wong、好麵線、Kubrick、漢堡茶餐廳、美都餐室、永發茶餐廳、佳棧肉食公司、佳姐、義合鮮魚、恆泰果欄
“Yau Ma Tei Leftover Guide Exhibition” would be a platform to distribute the Guide, and at the same time exhibit the works of participating students.They explore the connection between leftover food and visual arts with a variety of media to record and disucss leftover food issue, as well as explore the possiblities to use leftover food as material. The exhibition would like to invite audiences from different neighborhoods to rethink the issue and reduce food waste in daily life.
Co-presented by
Woofer Ten, Visual Arts Axis
Curatorial Team
Fong Wan Chi、 Kiki Ho、 Sum Wing Man、 Justina Woo、 Dorothy Cheung、Phyllis Ting、 Toto Lee、 Chan Sze Yan
Participating Students
Luna Ng, Ziggy Li, Hazel Ma, Hauyii Lam, Iniko Cheung, Kenneth Cheung, Chan Hei Ting, Apple Wong, Kwong Man Chun, Tiffany Law
Participating Organizations
goodmorning、SoIL、The Leftovers、HK Farm、Yau Tsim Mong Food Bank、No. 2, 3 Tak Cheong Lane、Sham Shui Po Community Association
Special Thanks
Rachel Tam、April Wong、好麵線、Kubrick、漢堡茶餐廳、美都餐室、永發茶餐廳、佳棧肉食公司、佳姐、義合鮮魚、恆泰果欄
Sham Shui Po Cherish Food Guide
Housewives do not just take care of their families. They also have great ideas for tackling the problem of food waste.The Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres has established a community food cycle in Sham Shui Po. Housewives take the initiative to collect leftovers from different outlets in the neighbourhood, and share them with families in need.
Further to our experience with leftovers in Yaumatei, we worked with housewives over the course of four workshops. Their experience, knowledge and connections come together in this Sham Shui Po Cherish Food Guide, conveying their values and mindfulness.Let us learn from them and rethink our attitude to food.
Presented by
Curatorial Team
Yau Ma Tei Gardener-Vangi、Kiki、Phyllis、Dorothy、Sum、Herman、Step
Community Partner
Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres
Tsui Tsui、Lan Heung、Jik Mui、Ching、Ah Man、AH Ping、Jik Mui、Faa Si Naai、Ah Kit、Tai Ling、Ah Hung、Carol